Visit the Getting Started-Telesales Tab for resources
and additional training and scripts.
Although we offer a wide assortment of contracts to assist with your sales in Final Expense, our main companies to sell insurance products over the phone are listed below. Selling over the phone can save on drive time, larger areas to pull from, work in multiple states, and faster application processing times.
Becoming an expert in selling these products will help you become successful in this lucrative industry. You should receive your writing numbers from these companies within 5-10 business days.
Our recommended companies are PRCUA, Prosperity, Liberty Bankers and Mutual of Omaha/United of Omaha
- PRCUA offers voice signature, best rates in industry and agent bonus program.
- Prosperity offers e-Applications, voice signatures and offers debit cards and direct express.
- Liberty Bankers offers offers a Voice Signature with an easier application process.
- Mutual of Omaha has a variety of products including Final Expense, Term, Annuities, UL, GUL, Children’s Whole Life, Whole Life, Medicare Supplements, Disability & Long Term Care. Final Expense can be written with an e-application using an electronic signature by the customer.
- Gerber offers e-Applications, Voice Signatures and offers debit and credit cards.
Below is a list of all the carriers that offer telesales either through eApplications or Voice Signature Approval for Final Expense sales. A fact sheet is available by clicking on the carrier name.
You can also CLICK HERE for additional carrier resources.
American General- E-application with electronic signature
Americo - E-application and Voice Signature
Baltimore Life- E-application and Voice Signature
Columbian Life - E-application with electronic signature
Foresters- E-application with electronic signature
Gerber- E-application with electronic signature and Voice Signature
Great Western - E-application with electronic signature
Liberty Bankers- E-application and Voice Signature
Mutual of Omaha/United of Omaha- E-application with electronic signature
PRCUA-E-application and Voice Signature
Prosperity Life - E-application and Voice Signature
Royal Neighbors-Voice Signature
Sentinel- complete application through back-office of the carrier portal and then do POS interview.
United Home Life- E-application with electronic signature (excludes GI product where POS is still required)
United of Omaha- E-application with electronic signature (no PHI or POS required)
Visit the Getting Started-Telesales Tab for resources
and additional training and scripts.
Email for contracting assistance